Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I have been thinking all day about my legacy.  What exactly does that mean?  We are traveling as a family to Nashville, TN for a business trip.  As my kids and I are looking for things to do while Daddy is working, we came across the Grand Ole Opry, Country Music Hall of Fame, and lots of others.  Those two in particular bring memories of my great Aunt Ardis.  She died two years ago, but she played at the Grand Ole Opry and was inducted in to the MN country music hall of fame.  All of this got my very complex thinking pattern cranking.  Ardis left a legacy of music and entertainment that will most likely die with my family.  There are not many who will sit down and search out the Yodeling Sweetheart of the 1950's and The Flame in downtown Minneapolis. 
This was all a passing thought earlier today, but as I sit waiting for my boys at AWANA and youth group, I am listening to music.  Two songs, back to back, none the less, were about leaving a legacy!  Even on shuffle!!!  God wants me to think about this, what does it mean to leave a legacy for my kids?  When I die, what is left?  What have I done that will be forever remembered?  My children of course!  What I show, share, teach, engage, with my kids will forever be my legacy.  
God gave us rules to abide by and share in the Bible, these tell us the difference between right and wrong.  Man doesn't decide that, God does.  God gave us a way to be with Him in Heaven, Jesus.  It is only by Jesus that we are no longer separated from God, who is a righteous judge.  We are all sinners and have fallen short of Christ.   This is how my legacy will be left.  Did I share the love of Christ with those I came in contact with?  Did I teach my children to do the same?  Have I prayed for others?  Have I shared my time, gifts, and finances with those God has led me to?  Have I helped to bring as many with me to Heaven as I can?  As my kids move on, find and marry a Christian woman that God has prepared for them, they will begin to share the legacy I am building every moment, both the good and the bad.  
If I died tonight, have I done, said, shown, shared, and loved all I can?  Right now my answer would be, no, I haven't!  I was short with my boys today, I yelled, I rolled my eyes instead of showing compassion.  God has impressed this upon my heart.  I need to change how I talk my body language, my sarcasm, my demeanor for my children.  This is a difficult task when children can be like fingernails on a chalkboard!  Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  This is true!  Have I been running to Him or from Him?
Where are you at today?  Take up the full armor of God and run to Him!

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